Echelon at 1151 Las Palmas
A master-planned creative environment marrying the old bow truss design with a modern creative space. Oversize folding glass walls and operable windows circulate plentiful natural light and space engineered to support and nurture a healthy and uniquely Californian workspace.
  • +/- 152,000 RSF of creative office
  • Exterior design incorporates a bow truss roof design delivering a warmer interior space
  • Expansive glass openings with terraces on each level

Delivery Q2 2026

Echelon 1128 Las Palmas
Echelon 1128 Las Palmas
Echelon 1128 Las Palmas
Echelon 1128 Las Palmas
Echelon 1128 Las Palmas
Echelon’s modern scale and high touch service level paired with its ongoing innovative design solutions allows us to solve for what the successful landscape and client experience will be as we move into a post-COVID-19 world. Environments that keep our communities safe and secure as well as our respect for the world’s natural resource management is a top priority for all Echelon projects.
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